The Corporation Nation Documentary (2010)

This lengthy documentary is an investment of your time, but it is undeniably worth every minute. It offers a jarring, eye-opening perspective on how America and its various towns, cities, and so-called “states” truly operate, shattering the conventional narratives we’ve been taught and the sanitized versions portrayed on television. The documentary exposes the pervasive falsehoods we are fed. It reveals that the United States functions as a massive conglomeration of corporations, essentially operating as a single private company that prioritizes its corporate interests above all else. The question arises: Do we genuinely have states, or are these merely districts mislabeled for our convenience, maintaining the facade that they are not corporations? The real entity is U.S. Incorporated, the Corporation Nation, whose sole objective is to generate profit for its shareholders through extensive taxpayer exploitation.

This hidden corporate structure comprises over 185,000 incorporated entities, including states, counties, cities, towns, municipalities, districts, councils, school districts, pension funds, enterprise operations, lotteries, alcohol monopolies, and numerous other private and for-profit corporations that have been mistakenly identified as our representative government. The cumulative wealth and investments of these collective 185,000 corporations surpass an astonishing $100 trillion, with over $36 trillion alone in pension fund investment assets. To grasp the magnitude of this, a trillion dollars is equivalent to a million millions. These investments bestow the government with controlling ownership interests in all Fortune 500 companies, most major domestic and international corporations, and a significant portion of the visible infrastructure around us, including malls, mini-malls, strip malls, golf courses, and movie theaters.

Federal land ownership is another startling revelation, with approximately 87% of all state land under federal control, 97% in Utah, and 95% in Nevada, among others. This vast corporate and land ownership is verifiable through the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), a general accounting system mandated by federal law. The documentary “The Corporation Nation” meticulously documents these claims, substantiating them with irrefutable evidence and admissions from the government itself, leaving no room for doubt about the reality of America’s corporate identity and its profound implications.

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