“These things matter to you. Fauci the Freemason is poisoning the world over these beliefs the Freemasonic Deep State writes about, holds ceremonies for, commissions expensive works of art and statuary all over Capitals for, and builds temples all over the world in even remote locations (including altars) and ridicule anyone who looks into keenly as a conspiracy theorist. These victims likely include someone beloved by the vast majority who read this – I know my own dear grandmother won’t last much longer from it, and my young cousin had a heart episode after taking it for college.”
They are back. The Tower of Babel has been Rebuilt atop the ruins of the Ancient Roman Abyssal Gateway to the Underworld: Apollyacum. The prophecy of the Return of the Fallen Angels, the Watchers, sometime around the 1900s, has come to pass. After centuries of brainwashing by scientism, the way has been paved for the return of the old gods as aliens, as was foretold.
Today they are trying harder and harder to convince the world Space Aliens are here among us. Governments are admitting it candidly for the first time after decades of hushed secrecy, disappearances, and ridicule for anyone brave enough to ask questions. Suddenly a shift: They want us to know – why? and why now?