FALL OF THE CABAL THE SEQUEL: Part 5 – The Cabal’s Evil Engine [The UN]

From the Georgia Guidestones – summarizing the Protocols of Zion in stone! – to the main engine of the Cabal: the United Nations. Set up at the very end of WW2 with one goal alone: to create a One World Government in order to usurp and suppress. Their Blue Helmets and ‘Peace Corps’ leave trails of abuse and destruction. Surrounded by scandals, yet untouchable by Law. Agenda 21, agenda 2030, the Global Sustainability Goals. Do you want evidence for such brutal claims?

Who was behind the mysterious Georgia Guidestones? They were erected on a hill in Elbert County, GA in 1980 and consist of four massive standing stones with a shared capstone. They are arranged as an astronomical clock and calendar. They are carved with 10 commandments in 8 languages proclaiming to herald the Age of Reason. They were supposedly financed and erected by one R.C. Christian (a pseudonym that rhymes with Rosicrucian). The commandments advocate depopulation and eugenics, one world language, one world court, social duties over personal rights, reason over passion, truth, beauty and Nature above humanity. This sounds very much like the Cabal agenda with a few high-sounding ideals thrown in.

The narrator then discusses the history of the United Nations which was founded in 1945, ostensibly to maintain peace and cooperation among nations. However, it promotes a globalist agenda as exemplified by its New World Order initiative founded in 2008 by the grandson of Nelson Mandela and ex-CIA agent Jayme Illien. The UN also maintains the Blue Helmets, an army of 70,000 “peacekeepers” who can legally intervene in another country’s affairs. The Blue Helmets have been charged with sexual exploitation and human trafficking in numerous countries ranging from Africa to Bosnia, Cambodia and Haiti. They were also implicated in the genocide committed by Serbian armed forces against Bosnian Muslims.

Another globalist organization is the Club of Rome set up in 1968 by David Rockefeller to come up with solutions for planet earth. They determined that humanity is the root cause of all problems. Sustainability became the Cabal’s new cause. In 1992 they developed an action plan for sustainable development called Agenda 21. This was followed by Agenda 2030 which added 11 more agendas. While these plans are full of high-minded goals and seemingly good intentions, they provide no practical strategy for achieving them. They are, at their core, Socialist/Communist agendas that require a universal reduction in the consumption of resources and the transfer of wealth from developed countries to impoverished ones. A one world government would be required to implement such a plan.

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