FALL OF THE CABAL THE SEQUEL: Part 7 – Philanthropy Or Money Laundering?

In this episode, we’ll dive into some of the (over 5,500!) NGOs that have been set up solely to execute the UN’s evil goals. These so-called philanthropic institutions are tax-exempt. They do not need to disclose their donors. They move millions (even billions!) of dollars around, from mother to sister company, to yet another subsidiary, without any legal control or obstruction whatsoever in this massive money laundering scheme. Let’s examine what ‘philanthropy’ truly means…

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and charities operating under the auspices of the United Nations are exposed as nothing more than money laundering operations that provide tax exemptions for wealthy families while funneling dark money to leftist political causes. Billions are exchanged between foundations that are run by different members of the same family, keeping the money in the family while giving the appearance of philanthropism. Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda Gates and the Rockefellers are just a few who engage in this legal, but questionable activity. Most of the money goes to promote reproductive health, sustainability, net neutrality and other progressive political causes with donors remaining anonymous.

Arabella Advisors, who provides advice for effective philanthropy, funnels money to fake charities through four subsidiary non-profit groups sharing the same address. They have sponsored 340 groups and donated $2.4 billion to political groups since 2006. The Capital Research Center labeled them a “dark money monster” and the Left’s best kept secret.

It is clear that these non-profits have nothing to do with charity. They move staggering amounts of money around the world to support the Cabal’s agenda and are unaccountable to any government.

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